Monday, January 24, 2011

Showing Appreciation

I decided to stop by the bank this afternoon - to deposit a check - on my way to Starbucks. I thought nothing of it on the way; after all, does anyone really get excited about running an errand? I filled out the deposit slip, and walked up to the front of the line. A gentleman named Ralph waved me over. Ralph was very courteous. He asked me the origin of my name, and asked me how it was pronounced. After I told him, he said he asked because he wanted to get it right.

While I was at Ralph's counter, I noticed there were a bunch of orange marbles in the steel tray area right beneath the glass that separates the teller from the customer. Confused at first, I quickly realized why the marbles were there. On the glass panel next to me, there was a piece of laminated paper asking customers to take a marble from the steel tray and put it in a bowl (underneath the laminated paper) if they thought they received excellent service from their teller.

I honestly don't know why I didn't put a marble in the bowl. I wanted to. I would say it's because I don't like drawing attention to myself, but that's a terrible reason not to reward someone for their service, and if I refuse to let myself accept that as a reason. As I walked from the bank to Starbucks, I kept thinking about why I didn't do it. I felt bad about it, and I still do. Ralph was nothing but courteous, polite, and helpful. If, like me, you are constantly annoyed by people around you, let me tell you that there are exceptions to the norm. Something as routine as a trip to the bank reminded me that people like Ralph are not only out there, but deserve to be recognized and rewarded - in whatever way, small or large.

Next time I go back to the bank, I'm going to make it a point to go to Ralph's window and put a marble in the jar. Even though he doesn't realize it, Ralph put me in a really good mood today. I only wish I could have helped do the same for him.

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